I am Nostra Tomas. I come from where you would never know -  Incompletus Memorandus. I come from the same source as the nectar of the honeysuckle, as do you. As you see if you look with your unreflected eye, all of life is the sweet nectar, which we crave. It is the craving that prevents us from partaking of this nectar. See first the nectar in any situation for it is there. My ‘head’ is flat for you to remember that the luminous light shines through us – we have a direct funnel right above our (humans and other beings) heads that provides us with this sweet nectar. The portal is always open, always, which is why I suggest to stop the craving and searching. It is always available pouring through us at every moment. It heals all ills. Its blessings are unlimited. There is no game involved in trying to find it. It is just there, our gift of life on this earth. When a difficult situation arises remember the nectar. Feel its soothing golden juice spilling through the funnel and into every cell in your being. And all will be well. What is the nectar? Endless love floating through a golden vibration of harmony, peace and joy.

Abstitium Illumin – Nostra Tomas