I am Hayades. I have come out of the earth – deep from its core. Out of molten lava I arose and spread the black muck throughout the planet and witnessed it’s transformation into soil that offered nutrients for seeds to grow. Just as I offer you this nutritious soil for you to grow above the muck of this transient world and the foibles of man. My hands shelter my head in contemplation of what is next for you my planetary being. Of course it is all written by way of the stars, which are a bit difficult for human interpretation.  Shelter no one but your own soul. That is enough. That is the only change and necessity. The emptiness you feel in your own heart is the asking of a deeper connection to Source. Let yourself feel it my darling one. It is there as you know. It is yours. Cry not for what once was but for the joy of what is now. That is all that matters. Live my darling in joy of knowing how truly loved you are. Simply, you are love.