I am Fogar. I collect berries and grind them into healing salves for the tiny teensie 4-leggeds that live beneath the leaves. That is why I am smaller than Poeux and the other beings/friends. We all come from the same star planet, which is so ancient that I can’t even tell you how old I am.  Yes, my nose is a little odd shaped and it helps me collect these very tiny berries. You should know about them. I will help you find them as they will be good for you. I am your friend. I have always been your friend. Don’t think that as I am small I am less worth. Remember Small is just as Big as Big is Small. Just call “Fogar, Fogar” when you need me. I am in the cave, as that is where I store the berries. I will find them for you.

P.S. This is my friend. Everybody needs a friend.