I am called Budwelding. I am a Cenetarnariac – that is the name of our land deep in the recesses of the hydraulic plains of the 5th planetary soulusphere. I have come from flight through this great land of yours where paisley pinks meet runived everwoods. And here I am now in your studio. My what a beautiful land your world is. I wish you humans would appreciate this opportunity you have to be amongst this creation. Not many formations are such as these. I would love to live here yet alas my destiny is to be invisible and float among the Netherworlds of which there are many. I see many have come to you already.

Don’t hold back your true lushness – add it back to the land.

Tell your people to stop fighting – what a waste of this incarnation. Yes, you all have feelings and embitterments. This is to be expected, but release them quickly so time is not lost. You all have been given a gift. What if everyone of you saw this life as a gift? Everyday!!!! Do not squander your incredible resources here. You speak of love and honor. First honor this life. As messy as it is, it is yours alone. You see it  so differently here. This is your chance to explore not only the intricacies of what it is to be human but also to live in this body subject to gravity. So good of you to come exploring with me. The nature of identity – a fascinating subject. I am wont to be added to your enclave of oracles. What an interesting word, Oracles. Make sure it means what you think it means. We all have advice as seers from another dimension – some good, some bad. Consult but don’t let us dictate your direction. We are all helpers and we are all individualized oracles, yes we are. And so are you. I have bade my time well with you so far. My flying mechanisms are ready to expand into the heightened awareness. Come along sometime. You will like it.

Yours truly – Budwelding